Category: Chicago

Revisiting Pan-Latin Roots Tasting Series

Chicago - June 23rd at Chi-Latin

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Ecuadorian-born Chef/Owner Freddy Orellanapreviously cooked at beloved Mk before becoming a partner in Dell 'Rooster, so of course, we took immediate notice of Chi-Latin when the opportunity appeared in our inbox. That said, even with this gem's incredible buzz from the likes ofChicago Magazine...

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Québécois In The Midwest Tasting Event

Chicago - September 6th at Dear Margaret

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While this was our first event with Dear Margaret, it was actually our third time collaborating with Executive Chef Ryan Brosseau; we previously teamed up with him with pre-pandemic when he was running the kitchen at Table, Donkey &Stick, andLe Sud. So, after digging into the glowing member...

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Coastal Spanish Tasting Event

Chicago - April 28th at MFK

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It had been over two years since our last Tasting Event in Chicago (crazy right?), so it's safe to say there was a lot of pent-up excitement about this event! And, accompanying this excitement were sky-high expectations among the 40+ members (and their guests)who turned out to fill up mfk. for...

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Modern Scandinavian Dinner Event

Chicago - July 23rd at Lost Larson

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Heading into our first-ever collaboration with Lost Larson, we weren't quite sure what to expect menu-wise given the fact that this place literally JUST expanded into dinner service after building a reputation as one of Chicago's best bakeries. That being said, we certainly had high hopes for the...

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Nouveau Indian Dinner Series

Chicago - May 22nd at Grand Trunk Road

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It had been ages since our last Indian-focused event in Chicago (shoutout to Mango Pickle!), and it's been almost 9 months since we last recapped a CHI event series (shoutout to Income Tax!). So, we figured a recap of our event series at Grand Trunk Road was in order. Expectations among members...

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Pan-European Inspired Dinner Series

Chicago - September 11th & 12th at Income Tax

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Our first-ever event series at Income Tax with their newly appointed executive chef, Ellison Park, is officiallya wrap and attendee ratings are in! The post-eventfeedback from this one was all over the place. Some attendees were completely blown away (in a good way); others foundseveral of the...

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Authentic Piemontese Dinner Series

Chicago - July 9th & 11th at Osteria Langhe

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Our first-ever event series at Osteria Langhe with Executive Chef/Co-Owner Cameron Grant was a blast! We’re still dreaming about that Plin, and particularly enjoyed listening to Chef Grant share his story about where/how he learned to make it (hint hint… It required eating A LOT of pasta!)....

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Revisiting Roots Dinner Series

Chicago - June 18th & 19th at The Duck Inn

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This was our first-ever event series at The Duck Inn and our first trip to Bridgeport. We couldn't have imagined a better personto welcome us to the neighborhood than Chef Kevin Hickey, whose familial history in Bridgeport goes back 5 generations! Chef Hickey put together an incredibly...

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Alpine Inspired Dinner Series

Chicago - June 3rd & 4th at Table, Donkey and Stick

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This was our first-ever collaboration with Table, Donkey and Stick. BUT, it was not our first eventwith Executive Chef Justin Moser, as he was in the kitchen as Sous Chef at our Salero Dinner Series a few months back; that's a first! However, this time around Chef Moser was the star of the show,...

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Globally Inspired Dinner Series

Chicago - May 20th & 21st at Heritage

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It was only a matter of time until caviar made an appearance at anevent series. And, thanks to Chef/Owner Guy Meikle, we can officially check that off of the TC bucket list. For our first-evercollaboration with Heritage, Chef Meikle pulled out all the stops and, according toattendee feedback...

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Dutch Meets Indonesian Dinner Series

Chicago - April 18th & 19th at De Quay

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As we continue to spread our wings in Chicago, the "first-evers" kept coming courtesy of Chef David de Quay and the team at De Quay. We have literally nothing to say about this event series other than that it was INCREDIBLE! We literally didn't get a single negative rating from attendees in our...

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Contemporary Indian Dinner Series

Chicago - March 29th & April 5th at Mango Pickle

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We were lucky enough to get our first event series in the books with Chef Marisa Paolillo and the team at Mango Pickle literally right before Chicago Mag'sbest new restaurantsissue hit the stores and their reservation book got filled to the brim.120+ members (and their guests) journeyed to...

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Alsace Inspired Dinner Series

Chicago - March 18th at Boeufhaus

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Our first visit to Boeufhaus was pretty epic, with 120+ members (and their guests) in attendance over the course of two seatings! To be honest, we were a bit nervous, as this was our first two-seating eventin Chicago. Thankfully,Chef Brian Ahern and his team were more than up for the challenge....

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Modern Basque Dinner Series

Chicago - March 4th & 5th at Salero

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Our first collaboration with Salero is officially a wrap, and it's safe to say that we will be coming back! We were pretty excited about this one, as Chef Ashlee Aubin has an incredibly impressive resumeand, clearly, that excitement was shared among the Chicago TC membership base; 130 members and...

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Nouveau Mexican Dinner Series

Chicago - January 30th & February 6th at Quiote

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At this event series, we found out exactly why EVERYONE in Chicago has been raving about Quiotesince they opened their doors a year ago... Speaking of which, congrats to them on hitting the one year mark! Chef Dan Salls and the whole team there put on a truly delectableshow for us with this event...

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New Americana Dinner Event

Chicago - January 9th at Split Rail

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For our second-ever Chicago event, we ventured out to the border of Ukranian Village and West Town for a 9-Course "New Americana" feast with Chef Zoe Schor at her brand new restaurant: Split Rail. Honestly, we had no idea what New Americana food was, as we had never heard the term before. But, we...

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